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11 May,2022 06:45 PM, by: Monalisa Gogoi
4 minute read Total views: 970
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In this present era, almost all of us are attached to our smartphones, thanks to the evolution of connectivity features and the adoption of a mobile-first generation. While we continue to swipe through instant entertainment, updates, services and many more on our phones have we ever stopped to realize just how much are we attached to this little device? Ask yourself this – can you go a full day without your smartphone? Does it seem a bit too extreme? Perhaps, it isn’t such a bad thing! Read on.

The addictive rush of social media sites and instant shopping and food delivery experiences are all contributing to our smartphone users every day. According to an app analytics firm App Annie, Indians spend one-third of their waking hours glued to their phones. An average user spends around 3-4 hours on their phone, if not less. These numbers reveal the alarming extent of our smartphone addiction. There’s a reason why we frantically search for our phones if we ever misplace them. 

Let me ask you, what might happen if you intentionally left your phone at home, just for a few moments?

Will you be miserable, anxious, or unsafe?

What if you couldn't check what your friends posted on Facebook, WhatsApp, or other social media sites for a couple of hours?

It is especially the young folks who have a difficult time imagining life without their smartphones. This small device has become such an integral part of their lives that they cannot fathom their lives without it.

In fact, the mobile-first generation has compelled individuals of all ages to overtly depend on their flashy phone screens. Now, they can’t seem to go anywhere without it.

But say, we accept a one-day challenge and stay away from our smartphones – will the virtual sun stop shining? No. On the contrary, we are more likely to undergo a range of positive experiences throughout our phone-free days. For starters, you’ll be compelled to connect with those around you. The unpleasant notifications popping up on your screen every few minutes will not interrupt your productive discussion with friends and relatives. Some people may find this experience difficult at first, while others might feel uncomfortable going a full day without their phones. But then, there are some other folks, like me, who wouldn’t mind so much.

Here are a couple of reasons why giving up your Smartphone can be a good idea-


If you forget about your phone just for a day, then you’re bound to get more productive. The cell phone is a source of distraction. Some workplaces prohibit it because companies want their workers to be more productive. They urge people to concentrate on their work and accomplish it as swiftly as possible. So, if you are to stay away from your phone for a longer duration, you’ll be able to accomplish more tasks without getting distracted by checking your phone every 10 seconds. 


Without your phone, you are compelled to communicate more in the physical world and entertain those around you. Admittedly, our phones serve the purpose of socializing with more individuals on the virtual platform, but as soon as we look away, we tend to feel lonely. However, practicing a phone-free schedule will help us get back to socializing in the real world. Instead of taking pictures with your dinner date, you will be able to enjoy their company. You will pay attention to what they have to say rather than monitoring how many likes you have on the picture you just posted or responding to comments. You will feel a strong connection to humanity.


Here’s a truth that most of us need to acknowledge – there’s no obligation for us to stay connected with our social circle at all times. You need time to yourself and treat yourself to a break every now and then. Take a pause and indulge in something you love. It may be reading that novel you've been planning to read. You probably wouldn't notice your smartphone once you're immersed in the activity you've chosen. You will be fully involved in the activity and will experience greater happiness. Ask yourself this – are you truly happy when swiping through your phone, or is it just a façade?


It may be difficult for some people, and they will constantly want to recheck their phones. They'll be worried if they've missed a call or text from their friends. It is understandable, but the benefits of taking up this challenge are worth exploring. That’s why, if you seriously consider doing away with your phone for a day, you should notify your closest friends and relatives. This will keep everyone calms if their texts go unopened. You may still feel uneasy because you’re too used to having your phone on you all the time. But if you can get through one day, you can get through a longer duration of time as well. Don’t worry, you'll make it.

Smartphones have revolutionized communication and have provided us with significant benefits. We just have to make sure it doesn't entirely take over our lives. Going without your smartphone for a few hours, or even a day, will not cause any harm – rather, it will give us time to reflect on what really matters to us and allow us the required time to sort our priorities.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author's. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of The Critical Script or its editor.

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