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Are the women and children of Arunachal Pradesh safe from crimes?

26 May,2022 07:47 PM, by: Posy Lui
3 minute read Total views: 1273
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Arunachal Pradesh has always been considered a peaceful state, with unity in diversity. However, in recent years, with an increased number of people migrating to the state and a rise in internet users with access to all kinds of uncensored materials, there has been an un-appeasing surge in crimes against women and children.

Most, if not all of the people of Arunachal Pradesh have the mindset and characteristics representing friendliness, straightforwardness, innocence, and gullibility. We tend to trust people very quickly and lend a helping hand to the needy; be it a stranger on the road or a friend at home. But it is this friendly trait, which stops them from judging people in the first instance, and can sometimes get them in trouble. And this is one of the reasons why the people here are vulnerable to falling prey to crimes that can be otherwise avoided.

Crime scenario in Arunachal

Crime rates are ever-increasing around the world. Although Arunachal may be behind other states in terms of crime rates, there is a surge in criminal incidents that has become a matter of concern. To add context to this concern, here are a few unfortunate news that made regional headlines recently – 

  • Eve-teasing & catcalling
  • Groping in public 
  • Tribal women suffering domestic abuse due to the polygamy culture
  • Girl child as young as 3-years-old getting raped
  • Sexual abuse by immigrant/teacher / known person
  • Leaking private pictures & videos
  • False accusations & stories on social media

These kinds of incidents that have caused the transition from Peaceful Arunachal to Crime Pradesh have terrified the locals, especially the womenfolk in the state, including me. Unfortunately, these incidents that are happening in the state, are not only limited to newspaper headlines but have also been encountered in reality. I too have been a victim of harassment, which has made me sensitive to other incidents taking place around me. 

I was forcefully taken captive by a stranger at night on my way home from a friend’s place. It’s a good thing that I was able to find a way and break free from my captivity, which otherwise could have amounted to something far more terrifying. Nonetheless, this incident has traumatized me. 

There was also another incident of a young man entering our residential complex at around 3 in the morning, who took cutouts of women’s undergarments that were hung outside for drying. Call it bizarre, horrific, or both, these incidents go on to show the kind of people living in our society today. The person was identified and a police complaint was also registered. However, there is still no action taken against the person. Will there be an action taken at all? We can’t tell.

This is only a minuscule portion of instances that are taking place in the state of Arunachal, rather rampantly. The bitter truth is that we get to see active intervention from police forces only in selective cases of criminal incidents. Several other cases lay pending and it results in violators getting away without being punished for their deeds. 

There is an urgent need to strengthen the security infrastructure in the state and expedite the process of criminal proceedings to ensure that justice is served to the victims of such crimes. 

Having said that, self-precaution is one of the best ways to keep yourself safe from untoward incidents. There are all sorts of predators out in the world waiting for the weak and innocent to pounce on them. It is important to acknowledge that women and children are more vulnerable to crimes involving violence, trafficking, or fraud. In another instance, the widespread use of smartphones and social media has also led to a surge in cybercrimes as well.   

Many offenders use social media as a tool to lure women and children into their traps. These criminals are usually paedophiles, rapists, conmen, traffickers, and druggists. The cybercrime unit and security forces in Arunachal are keeping a tab on several such activities. Cases of online trolling, cyberstalking, and leaking of pictures/videos are all serious offenses that take place frequently in the local groups and pages on social media platforms.

As slow as it may seem, the Government of Arunachal Pradesh is putting an effort to ensure safety in the state. It was in 2018, that for the first time in the history of the Arunachal Pradesh state budget, priorities were given to the safety, security, and welfare of women and children. The state govt. has so far initiated actions such as amendment of IPC in cases pertaining to the rape of minors, establishment of the women police station, crime against women cell, juvenile homes, destitute homes, one-stop centres, and helplines for women in distress, etc.

However, strict enforcement of these measures is the need of the hour. Restricting women and children at home was never the solution, especially in an era where we talk about equality and empowerment. At individual levels, it is important that we raise our voices against silent crimes and do our bit to bring justice to the victims. Our actions may seem tiny, but if more people come forward and hold offenders accountable for their crimes, any person will at least think twice before committing another one. And that’s a start we all are hopeful for.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author's. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of The Critical Script or its editor.

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