The Power of Discipline and Commitment
There are times throughout our life when we want to accomplish or do something but for some reason, we just aren’t motivated. Don’t you hate when that happens? The hours and days pass and you aren’t seeing any progress, you get frustrated and disappointed. When we are not motivated, discipline and commitment are what help us push through. You do not have to accept not reaching your full potential because your motivation is wavering! There is an ebb and flow to all things, but that doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel. When your motivation is waning, call in your two strong tools: discipline and commitment.
We have to discipline ourselves to do the hard work to reap the rewards. Developing your discipline is a lot like working out. At first, the muscles of the body are flabby but in a very short time, they become strong and carry you with endurance. How can you build your discipline? Think of something you can do in a short period of time (15 minutes). Perhaps it’s taking a walk, looking up definitions in the dictionary, or reading a book. Set a time frame morning and night. Make your project (doing this short easy task such as learning a new word) part of your morning and evening routine. In just a few short weeks you will have toned or gained new vocabulary and built your experience with discipline!
Personal commitment is extremely important to remain motivated when you feel discouraged. Many times, this is what makes the difference between people who achieve their goals and people who stay in their comfort zones and never grow. Commitment is taking ownership and responsibility.
Commitment comes in many forms . . .
- Doing what you don’t want to do, or really feel like doing, but know you must.
- Knowing when to say “no.”
- Sacrificing “play” time for “work” time.
- Want to give up because that would be the easiest thing in the world to do, but you don’t.
- Faith and perseverance.
As you start a new week, identify the professional and personal things you want to get done this week. Or think about something you have been longing to do and have not taken that first step. Now, proclaim to yourself that you are going to employ your two best friends: Discipline and Commitment. In 7 days from now, you will be happy you did.
One way to bond ourselves to your commitment is to put it in writing or tell someone of our intentions – take this opportunity to share your commitments in the comment section below and let’s hold each other accountable for our staying power.
Wishing you all an amazing life...
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author's. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of The Critical Script or its editor.

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